
Computational Literary Studies is an emerging interdisciplinary research field at the intersection of literary studies and computer science aiming to apply computational methods to digitized literary texts to learn more on literary history, narratology or literary writing style. In the priority programme SPP 2207 ‘Computational Literary Studies’, starting in 2020, the German Research Foundation (DFG) funds innovative projects from this research field.
Currently, the programme is comprised of 10 funded projects and one associated project, including researchers from 12 different research institutions in Germany and Switzerland.

The programme has set up a Zotero web library SPP-CLS-Achievements for its publications and resources and a community at the generic Zenodo repository: SPP 2207 Computational Literary Studies.

The program committee

Prof. Dr. Fotis Jannidis, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Professor, Computerphilologie (coordinator)

Prof. Dr. Evelyn Gius, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Professorin, Digital Philology

Prof. Dr. Jonas Kuhn, Universität Stuttgart, Professor, Informatik/Computerlinguistik

Prof. Dr. Nils Reiter, Universität zu Köln, Professor, Computerlinguistik/Digital Humanities

Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch, Universität Trier, Professor, Digital Humanities

Prof. Dr. Simone Winko, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Professorin, Literaturwissenschaft

The central project

The purpose of the central project is to actively support all research projects in the priority programme, to foster exchange and collaboration and to organize common activities.

One of the central project’s focuses is to support and consult all researchers in the programme in questions related to research data management (RDM). Here, the aim is to identify all the heterogeneous requirements of the individual projects and the potential synergies regarding the data and the methods used, to develop common strategies and best practices that may be of interest for the entire field of Computational Literary Studies. For that purpose, the central project is performing programme-wide surveys to thoroughly describe a “landscape of requirements” in the research field. Furthermore, technological and infrastructural developments are constantly monitored to inform the researchers about new possibilities or to offer innovative infrastructural components.

The central project is organizing central events, networking opportunities inter-project communication; including general meetings, working groups, workshops and colloquia for PhD candidates. It is also responsible for the external communication of results and developments from within the programme into the wider community, and for including external researchers into the activities of the programme. Finally, the implementation of measures and policies to support early career researchers and to promote gender equality are integral parts of the central project’s responsibilities.



  • Dr. Steffen Pielström

Research Data Management

  • Dr. Kerstin Jung
  • Patrick Helling M.A.



Chair for Computer Philology and History of Contemporary German Literature
Institute for German Philology
University of Würzburg

Emil-Hilb-Weg 23
Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg